Friday, July 29, 2011


I really wanted french fries. You know that feeling, you really want something and you KNOW it isn't good for you, but you want it anyway.

So, I decided to make some. And in case you're in need of a french-fry fix, I'll share my method with you. (sorry, it's not a recipe, exactly)

Green Bean French Fries

Gather together:
1 cup oat flour (you won't use all of this)
1 lb green beans (my local mega mart sells them in already prepped 1 lb bags)
1 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt (use as much, or as little, as you like)
4 eggs, beaten

Heat your oil over medium heat. When a little piece of bread dropped in the oil instantly starts to sizzle, it's hot enough. One of my kids broke my kitchen thermometer when it was mistaken for a sword (a hydrometer was lost in the same incident, sadly) but I'd estimate that the oil temp should be around 360°.

While the oil is heating, combine the flour and the seasoned salt in a bowl. Beat eggs in a separate bowl. Make sure the green beans are completely dry, dust with flour, dip in egg, coat with flour. When oil is hot, drop the fries in the oil, and fry for about 3 minutes or until all golden-y delicious.

Continue frying the fries in batches- place the completed fries in the oven on a cooling rack. Serve with ranch or the dipping sauce of your choice.

This makes approximately 4 servings of fries, with approximately 12 grams of starch per serving. The starch amount will vary based on the age of the beans (older beans are more starchy) and the amount of oat flour used (I had about 1/3 cup remaining after coating the fries)

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